"The World's Common Place"

Leveling the Shakespearean Playing Field


  • Sheila T. Cavanagh Emory University


International Education, Pedagogy


Based at Emory University, the World Shakespeare Project (WSP) uses videoconferencing to connect students and faculty from India, Morocco, Brazil, Argentina, England, and several North American Tribal Colleges in Shakespearean performance exercises and discussions. As much as possible, the WSP endeavors to facilitate both cooperative and collaborative research and pedagogy so that each partner institution contributes and gains something substantive through these collaborations despite disparate socioeconomic, geographical, religious, educational, technological, and cultural divides among the participants. In the context of what here is being termed "Service Shakespeare," therefore, these partnerships problematize the concept of "service"; the WSP supports an exchange where common ground is identified wherever possible, while each partner also offers distinctive contributions specific to its own cultural, historic, and geographical particulars.

Author Biography

  • Sheila T. Cavanagh, Emory University

    Dr. Sheila T. Cavanagh, founding director of the World Shakespeare Project (http://www.worldshakespeareproject.org), is Professor of English and Distinguished Teaching Scholar at Emory. She also held the Masse-Martin/NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship. Author of Wanton Eyes and Chaste Desires: Female Sexuality in the Faerie Queene and Cherished Torment: the Emotional Geography of Lady Mary Wroth's Urania, she has also published widely in the fields of pedagogy and of Renaissance literature. She is also active in the electronic realm, having directed the Emory Women Writers Resource Project (http://womenwriters.library.emory.edu) since 1994 and serving for many years as editor of the online Spenser Review.







How to Cite

"The World’s Common Place": Leveling the Shakespearean Playing Field. (2013). Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 8(2). https://borrowers-ojs-azsu.tdl.org/borrowers/article/view/133