About the Journal

Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation is a peer-reviewed, online, multimedia journal that welcomes original scholarship engaging with the afterlives of Shakespearean texts and their literary, filmic, multimedia, and critical histories. It encourages contributors to use the online format to its best advantage, in particular, by imagining how to enhance or illustrate their essays with multimedia. B&L won the CELJ's "Best New Journal" Award in 2007. B&L is fully indexed in the MLA Bibliography, the World Shakespeare Bibliography, and other databases. B&L is currently co-edited by Dr. Sujata Iyengar, Dr. Vanessa Corredera, and Dr. Louise Geddes; correspondence should be submitted through the OJS3 interface or via email addressed to borrowersandlenders@asu.edu.


Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation is published in partnership with ACMRS Press, part of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The journal is also supported by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts. Borrowers and Lenders also wants to recognize the past support of the University of Georgia English Department,the University of Georgia, the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, the President's Venture Fund of the University of Georgia, and the Emma Project. As part of the journal and ACMRS Press's commitment to open access, we never charge our authors any fees to publish with us.

In Memoriam

The editors of Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation are greatly grieved by the recent untimely passing of our co-founding and co-general editor, Christy Desmet. A tribute to her life and work appears here: Remembering Christy Desmet

Authors, Editors, Colleagues, and Readers who wish to make a donation in honor of Christy Desmet may donate online to the English Department: Christy Desmet Fund