Shakespeare's Violated Bodies, by Paschale Aebischer


  • Rebecca DeHaas University of Georgia


Review: Pascale Aebischer, Shakespeare's Violated Bodies: Stage and Screen Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. xii + 221 pp. + 17 illus. ISBN 0-521-82935-6. $65.00 US.

Author Biography

Rebecca DeHaas, University of Georgia

Rebecca De Haas is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Georgia. She is currently working on her dissertation, a discussion of women and censorship in early modern England. Her research interests include early modern women's literature, including Katherine Philips, Lucy Hutchinson, Dorothy Osborne, and Lucy Harington Russell, Countess of Bedford, as well as John Donne, Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, and John Milton.


