Ophelia, by Douglas Huff


  • Mark Z. Muggli Luther College


Douglas Huff's Ophelia, expertly staged by Theaterwork (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and its artistic director David Olson, is an effective new play that explores Reformation questions about free will, grace, and the education of women. Ophelia gains a great deal of resonance from Hamlet. But like most adaptations of Shakespeare, a large part of Ophelia's appeal lies in its attempt to clarify and improve on its Shakespearean original.

Author Biography

Mark Z. Muggli, Luther College

Mark Z. Muggli joined the Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) faculty in 1978. He is Professor of English, has taught in a wide range of interdisciplinary courses, and has served as an Associate Dean and as Director of Interdisciplinary Studies. His published articles have focused on Renaissance drama, literary journalism, and journalism history. He has been involved in theater as an actor, dramaturg, and playwright.






Appropriations in Performance Reviews