
Early Modern Drama on Screen


  • Lisa Hopkins Sheffield Hallam University


The Introduction contextualizes the essays in this cluster about screen adaptations of early modern drama, emphasizing the simultaneous freedom from strictures of time and space that screen adaptations enjoy and their acquisition of new meanings and additional resonances that could not have been thought of when they were first created.

Author Biography

Lisa Hopkins, Sheffield Hallam University

Lisa Hopkins Lisa Hopkins is Professor of English at Sheffield Hallam University and co-edits Shakespeare and Arden Early Modern Drama Guides. Her publications include Shakespearean Allusion in Crime Fiction: DCI Shakespeare (Palgrave, 2016), Relocating Shakespeare and Austen on Screen (Palgrave, 2009), Shakespeare's The Tempest: The Relationship between Text and Film (New Mermaids, 2008), and Screening the Gothic (University of Texas Press, 2005).


